Seems like DOED despite push back from the NPTA still supports CRT, with a strong push from BLM, DNC, AOC and others, which, IMHO, is complete BS (and I do not mean Bachelor of Science). IRMC. Acronymania.
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Seems like DOED despite push back from the NPTA still supports CRT, with a strong push from BLM, DNC, AOC and others, which, IMHO, is complete BS (and I do not mean Bachelor of Science). IRMC. Acronymania.
Yes, it’s still BLM, but what does it stand for now? The official announcement was made by one of BLM founders while relaxing at one of her multi-million dollar mansions, she stated that it should be a more descriptive acronym. To make it true to the actual group activities, now BLM stands for Busted Looting … Read more