I’m one of many (republished)

One of the only photos of my gradparents and two brothers before the war.

My mother is a Holocaust survivor. Her story, as unique and terrible as it is, is unfortunately one of so many. My mother’s entire family was murdered by the Nazis. The only survivor other than my mother was her uncle. When troubles in Europe just began, her uncle was “crazy” enough to immigrate to Israel … Read more


OpineAway Gameplan

A friend asked me “what would Trump do right now?”. Here’s my answer (and then some). Trump would not get into this situation. But if you asked… IThis is what I think should be done: Get the US to the highest level of oil/gas production ever. Supply oil/gas to Europe. Suffocate Iran and Russia by eliminating the … Read more

Israel / Gaza /Hamas facts only

Israel Gaza Hamas Facts Only

There has been and still is a lot of confusion, misinformation and ignorance with regard to the facts and the situation in Israel. This post will try to present facts and will be updated if needed. Practical and civil comments are more than welcome, and any fact-based corrections will be immediately corrected. Updated Nov 6. … Read more

Energy Oversimplified

Switching to electric cars just shifts where energy is produced, and creates other issues – producing the batteries is far from being green, and recycling them later is worse, the power grid is not ready for the load etc. So here’s an option that kills CO2 birds with one stone. Well maybe a few stones, … Read more

A quick thought re firearms


I’m all for the second amendment. My mother is a holocaust survivor and I won’t give up my right to defend myself from anyone including the government. Yep. People felt very safe in the 30’s in Europe, and were killed shortly after by the millions. Having the ability to defend yourself is a way to … Read more

COVID Thoughts


For a few weeks now I’ve been suspecting that Omicron might also be transmitted by touch or even surfaces, much like the flu or the common cold, not just through droplets in the air. I absolutely have no scientific base for that assumption, just a hunch, so this might be completely wrong. I base this … Read more