I Find it Funny – travel ban – but not really.

Biden called Trump racist. Then he called him xenophobic and fear mongering for banning travel from China because of COVID (AKA the China Virus). Now Biden bans travel from 8 African countries because of the omicron variant. I’m not objecting the ban on travel from Africa, though it might be a bit too cautious by … Read more

Thoughts about China

I believe that if you’re not worried about China, you don’t know enough about it. I know enough to worry, and this is while leaving the pandemic aside. Our dependency on China is huge. As you read this you are probably touching, seeing and hearing dozens of items that are manufactured in China or have … Read more

Facebook Is Dead!!! And it Predicts the Future!

Facebook is dead. It's in the name. Met means dead in Hebrew.

Facebook just announced they are changing their name to Meta. They predict the future! In Hebrew, if you say about a company that it is “meta” (מתה) it means that it is dead. Literally. A “meta” company is a dead company. You heard it first here. Can’t wait! I cracked up when I heard it.

COVID future.

I believe COVID vaccines will keep lagging behind the virus’ ability to adapt. That’s what viruses do. Every year we have a modified vaccine for the flu. Same. So I believer the solution will be treatment. 100 years ago people died from infections, pneumonia, diverticulitis, blood pressure or even the flu, 20 years ago people … Read more

Double Whammy – thoughts about energy

I wrote in the past about green energy, nuclear energy, oil prices etc. Actually that was back in 2008: Here, here and here So unfortunately not much improved. Actually I believe things got worse from the global view, but maybe not in an obvious way. What I’m worried about is that a combination of the … Read more


Apparently stupidity has no limits. Unfortunately we have some elected officials that demonstrate just that with flying colors. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez AKA AOC AKA Sandy, together with idiot friends Ilhan Omar, Pramila Jayapal and Rashida Tlaib (AKA together as The Squad) tried to forced House Democratic leadership to cut $1 billion for Israel’s Iron Dome. Eventually … Read more


No, I didn’t invent this. Well, I did, but… I did not invent LGBTQIA. Really. It’s a thing. Here’s the source: “We use the acronym LGBTQIA at Tech to stand for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, (questioning), intersex, asexual, and (agender). While we do this with intentionality, it is still possible to hear many variations of the … Read more

PCMF – Post COVID Mask Fixation

I see two phenomena happening now: People can’t take their mask off People can’t stand others not wearing a mask I call this Post COVID Mask Fixation or PCMF . It seems that because people, for over a year now, got so used to wear masks and afraid that if they won’t something terrible will … Read more

Why Palestinians are so damn lucky that Israel has Iron Dome to protect it?

This post was originally written/posted in 2014. I didn’t change a word. No need. • I’ll mention again that peace is all I wish for. I want no fighting; I don’t even want to spend time writing about it. It doesn’t mean that I cannot fight, or will not fight if I need to defend … Read more